Consults with Chris

Canine Sports Medicine Consultation
Sports Rehabilitation and Retraining Consult
Her most popular consultation format, the Sports Rehabilitation and Retraining Consult helps people with canine athletes move their dogs from pet-level fitness/rehab all the way to competition. This includes dogs that have degenerative conditions such as hip or elbow dysplasia, injuries such as iliopsoas strains or that have had surgery for an orthopedic problem. During these hour-long consults, Chris will guide you through a comprehensive plan that will get your dog ready to be fully active again, while also avoiding re-injury or new injuries. You receive a complete report containing all details of the program. In some circumstances, these consults can be performed long-distance via Zoom.
CLICK HERE to learn more about Sports Rehabilitation and Retraining consults with Chris!
Structure and Gait Analysis
There is no species more varied in size or shape than the dog. An understanding of your dog’s structure and gait will help your dog to live a healthier, injury-free life and you to achieve your goals in performance events. In this hour-long consult, Chris Zink evaluates your dog’s structure and gait, assesses your dog’s muscle tone, discusses its front and rear assembly and balance, and evaluates its gait. She advises you of the dog’s strengths and weaknesses and any sports injuries that your dog may be at risk for, and provides you with an individualized conditioning program tailored to your dog’s structure and your performance goals. You receive a complete written report detailing your dog’s comprehensive conditioning plan. In some cases, these consults can be performed long distance via Zoom.
CLICK HERE to learn more about Structure and Gait Analysis consults!

Solving Jumping Problems
Many dogs, even those that were natural jumpers as puppies and young adults, develop jumping problems as they mature. In this consult, Chris will help you solve issues such as taking off too early, stutter-stepping and knocking bars. Chris has successfully retrained over 100 dogs with jumping problems (including many dogs that take off too early) and helped them become thoughtful and confident jumpers.
CLICK HERE to learn more about Solutions to Jumping Problems!
Gait Retraining
For Active Dogs!
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