For Active Dogs!
Coaching dog enthusiasts to embrace the unique needs of active dogs through teaching, mentoring, and educational media
Discovering Your Dog
New Information on How to Give Your Canine Pal a
Longer, Healthier Life by Chris Zink
In these pages, Chris provides new and sometimes surprising information to enhance the lives of every dog with which you share your life. Knowledge is a powerful way to strengthen our relationships with these incredible creatures that, in turn, teach us so much about life and love. Here she has provided you with fascinating, fun to read, scientifically-based information to help your dog live a long, healthy, and active life. What could be better?

Fit For Life™ Videos
In this USB Drive are 32 videos from the Fit For Life program. Each video demonstrates how to train and execute a single FFL exercise. The exercises are categorized as Flexibility, Balance & Proprioception, Strength (Front, Core or Rear), or Good for the Soul. Categories for each exercise are listed on the inside cover of the video case. These videos can be copied to any mobile device so that you can view them anywhere, any time.
For Active Dogs!
Looking for information to help keep your canine athlete healthy, active, and fit? Join our For Active Dogs! mailing list and receive practical dog health information!
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Meet Chris
Chris is a consultant on canine sports medicine who presents Coaching the Canine Athlete® seminars worldwide and designs individualized rehabilitation and conditioning programs for canine athletes. She is the award-winning author of the books Peak Performance: Coaching the Canine Athlete, Dog Health and Nutrition for Dummies and The Agility Advantage and co-author of the book Jumping From A to Z:: Teach Your Dog to Soar and the DVD Building the Canine Athlete. She co-edited the first ever book on Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, which was published by the veterinary textbook publisher Wiley-Blackwell. Dr. Zink was instrumental in establishing the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation as the newest specialty in veterinary medicine.
Chris has obtained over 150 titles in Agility, Obedience, Conformation, Tracking, Hunt Tests, Barn Hunt, Nosework, Coursing, and Rally on dogs from the Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier and Herding groups. She is currently competing with her Golden Retriever Hobby and her Norwich Terrier Helix in all of the dog sports possible. Helix also travels to events as Chris’s demo dog.
What others are saying
"Love this book! It's an investment and well worth getting a copy for your library. I regularly refer to it."
Natasha Lotter
on purchasing Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
"I've cited your paper hundreds of times. It has made a difference to me and I hope it has to others."
Theresa Douglas
on citing the article
'Do the Dewclaws'
"Thank you for helping me make sure my dog is safe and healthy and giving me the best options for her care."
Trisha Rettig
on referencing Chris's articles